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- =====================================================================
- Note: The following 12-page transcript was sent to me by resident of
- Toronto, and CUFORN member, Ben Obina. I received it in mid-
- Aug. This file was typed in courtesy of Linda Murphy of NEXUS
- BBS <<UFONET V>>, in Flagstaff, AZ. - Tom Mickus
- =====================================================================
- -1-
- B: Do did you hear anything about what I talked to you about the last time?
- J: Yes I did.
- B: What happened?
- J: Well they came to the conclusion that it wasn't that. I suggest that you
- get yourself checked out because it is definitely not from that.
- How are you feeling by the way?
- B: I'm feeling fine. After we last talked, you said that they would do it
- within the next couple of days.
- J: Yes, a day or two.
- B: I've had a couple of headaches, so they must have done something.
- J: They have run some tests, but it wasn't from that. So you might have some
- infection I suppose.
- B: An infection? But nothing that would affect my hearing though.
- J: No, absolutely not.
- B: I see. So can I ask you some questions?
- J: Go ahead.
- B: Remember when I was implanted at a young age, I remember being in an
- operating type room. This would have been done while I was asleep. I really
- don't understand how this was done, would my body still be on the bed?
- J: Absolutely.
- B: So how were they able to operate on me while I was still asleep?
- J: You were semi-conscious, you weren't sleeping. You would know, hear and see
- everything around you, but you would be in a state of semi-consciousness.
- B: But that means that I wouldn't have been in the same room I was sleeping
- in.
- J: Not necessarily, but you could have been.
- B: I don't understand how that works.
- J: Let me put it to you this way, it could be implanted from any distance
- whatsoever. You don't necessarily have to be in that same room that it's
- taking place at. You might have been asleep, or you might have been semi-
- conscious. It might have lasted an hour or two of your time, but it's
- really a few seconds.
- B: So these beings are able to operate from any distance whatsoever.
- J: Within the range of approximately 50-60 miles.
- B: And this was the same way they were able to scan my brain.
- J: Not your brain but the implant. And if you have any headaches, that may
- have
- been it, but they're subsided by now have they now?
- B: Yes.
- J: Have you gotten a buzzing sensation?
- B: No, just the headaches.
- B: You said that during the formation, the implant will be activated by light.
- J: That's right. The best description of it would be not as a laser light, but
- a very fine tuning light.
- B: And how long will this take?
- J: Seconds.
- B: Only a couple of seconds?
- J: Based on your judgement, seconds. It wouldn't even be measured. Depending
- on the range of course, the farther away you are the longer it might take.
- B: But these beings will actually be there.
- J: That's right.
- B: And besides seeing spacecraft or whatever, will anything else happen at
- that time?
- J: This is actually why I'll be leaving out of town for the next little while.
- I can't really discuss that, I'm sorry.
- B: You are planning ahead.
- J: That's right.
- B: Is there anything else you could disclose other than the activation of the
- implants and the appearance of space crafts? Will your elders talk to us
- face to face? Anything like that?
- J: Let me put it to you this way, stay tuned to the news media between the
- 20th and the beginning of next month. You might be pleasantly surprised.
- B: So you're gradually revealing yourselves.
- J: Very gradually.
- B: I've read in a couple of newsletters and books that 1991 would be a year of
- change. Would this be around the time it might occur?
- J: Approximately yes. I did say a couple of years.
- B: You also said that some of the information the contactees are to know would
- be formulas.
- J: Well formulas to better yourself with, not formulas for nuclear disasters.
- B: Could you give me an example?
- J: Medical formulas basically. A lot of formulas on how to provide for
- yourself as far as food is concerned.
- B: Could you give me an example? It's kind of confusing when you said formulas
- because there are so many different types.
- J: Formulas for expeditions into space; Formulas for food processing and
- growing; formulas for medical and scientific research, and cures to certain
- types of ailments and diseases. Without specifically going into one or the
- other, a cure will be found for something that has been researched for
- a number of years. This is one way of showing that we are peaceful.
- B: And all of this will be like second nature to all the contactees.
- J: That's right.
- B: We wouldn't even have to think about it.
- J: No. You people will be shown how to create it by us.
- B: How are we to be shown if all the information is contained in the implant?
- J: Because we have to expose ourselves in order to create this. We will be
- doing a lot of experimenting and showing how some of these things can be
- actually created, in order to show that we are genuine and that we are
- trying to help you.
- B: This is after the formation.
- J: This is correct, but only after.
- B: A couple more questions?
- J: Go ahead.
- B: Around the times I was implanted, I was always puzzled why I rose several
- feet in the air at night.
- J: Like I said you were semi-conscious. Each person I suppose has a different
- way of expressing it, that might have been your way of interpreting it.
- Normally you may rise to a certain point. Don't forget that you have
- created your body and your soul. Your body is basically a cell to house
- your soul, but your soul is still there.
- B: So you were just touching on the outer part.
- J: Yes, the outer shell of the body but not your soul obviously. That's
- sacred to everyone, even us.
- B: Another question?
- J: O.K.
- B: I was watching a show earlier this afternoon and there was some minister
- talking. He was touching on how UFO's and the devil were both related.
- J: Well don't believe much of these ministers. I mean if you listen to the
- things that happen to some of these ministers, I wouldn't put my faith into
- any of them.
- B: It's not that I believe them, I just think that after the formation those
- are the types of people that we'll have a hared time dealing with. I'm sure
- that many people will be referring to the Bible, and in it reads; 'In the
- future, do not worship the false prophets'. That's kind of referring to all
- the people who were implanted.
- J: Flase prophets would only mean that they would recreate themselves as being
- God. That's what a prophet is.
- B: Tell that to others, because for many people prophets are basically ones
- who like to spread the message about a certain subject.
- J: You have to remember that there are others who are not religious. Take even
- the religious ones, they haven't seen any miracles yet. All they have are
- these evangelists who go around preaching, but really have no backbone to
- give actual proof. We're going to give some proof.
- B: But their backbone is the Bible.
- J: I'm not saying the Bible is wrong. There's a lot of passages that are
- correct, but there's also a lot of fallacy in it.
- B: Yet, but these ministers will believe what they want to belive.
- J: Well that's fine, they're getting paid millions a year to believe what they
- want to. If they could push that message to the people, then that's better
- ammunition for me.
- B: I see it as being a lot of trouble for me.
- J: Not really.
- B: Because it's going to be like their word against ours.
- J: But they can't produce what we can produce. They can't pick up their hand
- and raise a house, we can. If you don't see it, you won't believe it..we're
- going to give them something to see. Believing is fine but you can only
- believe for so long and then you give up faith and hope. Once you show a
- lot of dramatic experiences, then people start to believe. We're not going
- out as prophets, that' not our intention..we just don't want mankind to
- blow themselves up. That's basically it. You've suffered long enough, it's
- about time you've had a bit of help. Your Voyager spacecraft is on the
- outskirts of the solar system right now, and you've found some definent
- signs of a lot of things out there that NASA doesn't tell you about.
- B: You mean they have had things come back that..
- J: Absolutely. You experiment all you want, and a lot of things you'll find
- out for yourselves. We are not able to show you everything, a lot of things
- you've found already.. you just don't know what to do with them. If you
- can't go out and touch it, then it's not real. Well we're going to show you
- things that you can touch, that will be real. I think the best thing is to
- show that there are a lot of cures for many diseases which exist. It's no
- miracle, it's just that our scientific methods are far superior to any of
- yours. We are out to help you people. If you feel that we're false god's,
- were not. I might as well be back home, but unfortunately at this
- particular point I can't go back. I'm quite satisfied just adapting to the
- way I am now. I could give cures and scientific formulas, but you people
- aren't yet ready to accept it.
- B: I just thought that the contactees would break the normal routine of many
- people.
- J: No, not at all. We can't guarantee that everything will be 100%, because we
- know the way we work and we know the way you people work. It's going to be
- a rough road for a little while, there's no question there. When you look
- at the average person on earth that has some of these facts and producing
- them to other humans, it might be a little more believable. They might be
- feared of our form for a little while, you might have to get used to it.
- B: You won't be in your human form any longer?
- J: Not necessarily.
- B: I see.
- J: What I find humorous are some of these newsstand magazines like the
- National Enquirer and The Sun which each week has a write up on some UFO's
- or space aliens. If you're ever so inclined to buy yourself a copy.. I
- don't but we have exposure to them. Some of the stories in there are
- outrageous. I don't know where they get them from, but I have yet to see
- one that' even half accurate.
- B: I read in the Enquirer awhile back that during the testing of a U.S.
- missile, a UFO approached it in flight and directed a laser towards it.
- J: And destroyed it.
- B: Exactly. That was probably true.
- J: That was true. The guidance system on that missile wouldn't have exploded
- into space where it was supposed to be destined to actually test the
- capability of that missile and to find out it's destruction power.
- Apparently the guidance system was off and the detection devices that were
- on the ground in the control center had no knowledge of it, and it was
- foreseen that this missile would crash back to earth again. Unfortunately
- it would have crashed in the excess of 1500 miles away from where it was
- supposed to explode in space, bringing it on a population of about 40 to 50
- thousand people who would have been annihilated. No World War 3 existing
- from it, just an awful tragedy. And it was foreseen that this was going to
- happen.
- B: And you knew about this all along>
- J: We monitor everything that goes up there. Therefore it was completely
- destroyed by one of our crafts.
- B: SO the place that you went to just recently was to plan the events of a
- couple years from now.
- J: That's right, and in fact I'll be going back again at the end of this
- week.
- B: This is to meet with your elders?
- J: Yes.
- B: Just so that everything turns out perfect?
- J: It's not only that, but we're just reviewing a few different things which
- have come to light and we have to sort of prepare ourselves to know how to
- handle it. There's nothing that's perfect, and we can't say everything's
- going to be perfect... but it will be very close to it. We don't want to
- cause a massive disruption in your lifestyle, we just want to better it,
- that's really all we're planning for. We don't want you people to blow
- yourselves up and we don't want our planet or atmosphere to be
- contaminated. Mabey it's selfish, but we certainly like to live too.
- B: I was thinking that perhaps I would've gone crazy if I wasn't told about
- what was going on.
- J: No, you probably wouldn't have.
- B: Because it was my guardian who saw me putting those ads in, and it was he
- who eventually told you.
- J: I know you don't who your guardian is, but during the past 90 day's
- have you met someone that you've known before that you haven't seen for
- some time?
- B: Actually, you've hinted to me a couple of times who this person might be.
- And I've sort of had an idea all this time, and this person called me up a
- couple of months ago and asked if I wanted to go out. I told him that I was
- kind of busy and this person hasn't called back ever since.
- J: Like I said it was in the 90 day period. It might be very well this person,
- or then again it might not.
- B: You said that when I finally do encounter my guardian, I should look in his
- eyes. Why?
- J: Because the truth is right there.
- B: In his eyes?
- J: Our eyes would be a little bit different from what your eyes would be.
- B: In what way?
- J: I'm just disclosing that there's a lot of confidence. The pupils on the
- eyes are not exactly formed correctly. The retina and the pupil are both the
- same color, it's very hard to distinguish that there's even a pupil there.
- That's the only part we could not form perfectly.
- B: I've looked over many abduction cases, and obviously that was the time
- when a person was actually implanted. Sometimes they describe these beings
- inserting needles into their abdomen and showing pictures of their brain.
- J: These are just newcomers.
- B: Newcomers?
- J: Lets call them extra-terrestrials. I call the extra, because they are
- certainly not what we are. Take an age difference, 10 years old an 50 years
- old. We are the ones who are 50 years old and they are ones who are 10
- years old. They may be very well from other galaxies I don't know. We don't
- know everyone that's down here, but we do get periodic information to say
- yes there is another fleet that has landed and is experimenting. They may
- be here for a month, or they may be here for 20 years... we don't know.
- B: This is their way of implanting people?
- J: This is their barbaric way of doing it I suppose. I'm not saying that we're
- the most advanced. There are more superior that ours, but they are billions
- of light years away from this particular planet. They have no intention of
- getting involved because they have no immediate danger of anything
- infiltrating their area.
- B: So you're going away soon.
- J: I'm going to be leaving next Friday on holidays.
- B: Do you tell your wife where you go?
- J: My wife goes with me. We're going down south to Florida, and the areas that
- we're destined to go to as long as we're there with the children would be
- West Palm Beach.
- J: But I'll be taking 3 days off on my own because I would have to take care
- of some preparations, and that would be in the triangle.
- B: In the triangle?
- J: Around the triangle area.
- B: Why in that particular place?
- J: I can't disclose that, I'm sorry.
- B: Well from what I've read in books, there used to be some landmass that
- existed in that area thousands of years ago.
- J: The city of Atlantis and all that. Yes that's true.
- B: Does this have to do with that?
- J: No that's long gone. Now it's just a nice Biblical story, that's all it
- is. But there is something in there that does belong to us and it's a
- homing device basically.
- B: A homing device for what?
- J: Our ships.
- B: Is that where you store most of your ships?
- J: No it's not where we store them, it's a beacon. In other words if we're
- coming in, we have beacons in certain areas, and if we want to get in
- contact..it's really complex and I really shouldn't be discussing it, I'm
- sorry. I can give a little bit of a clue though, it's basically a homing
- device for visitors from other areas besides ourselves. The best way to
- describe it would be as a..
- B: Lighthouse.
- J: Exactly, that's basically it. It's nothing fancy because our crafts go
- under there as well and there is storage facilities for certain things.
- It's all underwater and it's certainly in one of the deepest parts of the
- ocean.
- B: Would this be ties in with the number of disappearances of ships in there?
- J: Yes it would be. If it's any consolation, no harm has come to anyone.
- B: They're down there?
- J: They very well may be, I don't know. It's completely vast, you're talking
- almost 4,000 miles underneath the ocean.
- B: For what purpose would you bring these people down there?
- J: We didn't bring them down there.
- B: Then why did these ships sink?
- J: Because of the beacon and it's magnetic pull. Don't forget that your ocean
- is a perfect magnet. Between the moon and the earth there's a gravitational
- pull, all we've done is latch on to the water. The water is serving as one
- large magnet, it just so happens that it could be only spread out so far.
- B: Didn't you foresee that many ships would sink with the beacon down there?
- J: We did and we've corrected that to a certain extent, that's the reason why
- you don't hear of these disappearances. Or if you do hear of them it's
- almost nil. Although when these things were built, we did have our problems
- because first of all we weren't used to your water depths, we're not
- amphibious. For us to build or to conduct anything in that type of
- atmosphere, it was next to impossible but we managed to do it. But no harm
- came to anybody, and all they've been is just relocated somewhere else.
- Living very normal lives but unfortunately they have no recollection of who
- they are, and where they're from or what exactly happened to them. For the
- past 10 years or so, you don't hear of any disappearances whatsoever.
- B: It all took place about 50 years ago.
- J: For the past few years like I said, within a range of about 10 years or
- less there haven't been any problems. Mabey 1 or 2 but those were just
- freak accidents.
- B: Remember I told you that one of the places I'd want to go to and spread the
- message would be my native country. I was always curious as to why you
- paused after that, it was as if you knew something.
- J: I didn't pause because I wasn't sure if you were going to go there or not,
- you may not want to go there at all. It's your decision where you want to
- be based, if you want to go there then that's fine. But you have to
- understand that there are people in that area already, you may not be
- needed there or even wanted there.
- B: Would I know if I were not wanted there?
- J: Absolutely, because you'll all be contacting and seeing each other, if not
- that same day, then the very next day.
- B: So we're all going to know each other.
- J: Yes you will.
- B: How?
- J: That's a very delicate mystery. You'll know each other once you see each
- other. As I said you'll all be going up in ships, and each individual ship
- is part of a puzzle. And each individual ship will form one large ship. I
- can't really explain it in your terms, but it's like pieces of a puzzle.
- Don't forget that it's all light powered. Light you can put your hand
- through, light blends, light can be reflected. Everything in individual
- ships can be put together as one large ship, therefore your capability of
- moving around wouldn't be limited. You'll have all these people in that
- area, you'll be introduced to each other.
- B: Approximately how many will we know?
- J: I couldn't tell you at this point because I really don't know myself. I
- know the numbers haven't been growing, we haven't allowed it to grow. We've
- actually diminished some of the numbers because we felt these people
- weren't sincere enough, or else just plain didn't what to. But the majority
- of them have been contacted.
- B: It's strange because I watched this show and a group of contactees were
- talking amongst themselves, and most were asking, 'Why me? I wish I were
- never contacted by these beings.'
- J: Well that's fine but we picked out certain individuals which we knew had
- traits. But unfortunately some of them had the traits but just didn't want
- it and there's nothing you can do to force them. We're not forcing it on
- any individual, if they don't want to...well that's fine. The only thing is
- once they're blanked out and the implant is removed, they'll have no
- recollection of it whatsoever. All that knowledge they have keyed in them
- is
- completely eliminated. They would just carry on with a normal life as if
- nothing happened and they wouldn't have any recollection of speaking to
- anyone of us, and for all they know all those minutes and hours have been
- lost.
- B: Approximately how many people have been implanted in North America?
- J: Anywhere between 5 and 8 thousand at this given time.
- B: These are the people are to spread all this information around?
- J: That's correct.
- B: 5 and 8 thousand, that' not a whole lot.
- J: Not it's not, but in this general area of North America were talking about.
- I don't have the figures of what it is completely over the world, I'm only
- concerned with this area.
- B: So between 5 and 8 thousand just in North America.
- J: There could be another 20, I don't know. The world is divided up into
- sectors, I'm only concerned with this sector. I am not involved in any
- goings on in any parts of the world other than this sector. It would be
- impossible, there would be no way I could put myself in those areas.
- B: And the 8,000 that are implanted are always monitored.
- J: Absolutely.
- B: Doesn't that mean that there would be 8,000 of your type here as well?
- J: Not necessarily. Don't forget that there are 8,000 monitored, but out of
- those 8,000 there might be one for every 30 people or one for every 100.
- And out of those hundred people 20 in fact may decline.
- B: Was an interest in UFO's one of the traits these beings were looking for?
- J: A genuine interest and a genuine sincerity. First of all a belief in it,
- because it's impossible to convince somebody that just doesn't believe in
- it unless they see it. But it's much easier to retroact with somebody
- that's at least open minded about it. It's much easier to relate to this
- person because they do have that interest in it. If somebody doesn't
- believe in it, that's fine.
- B: Not only the sincerity part, but should a person have a strong character as
- well?
- J: Not necessarily, but a willingness to at least improve their character.
- B: I'm just wondering why my guardian decided to contact you, I would have
- found out about all this later on. Instead I had to find out about this 2
- years before hand.
- J: But you have to understand that 2 years is not all that long away. And to
- prepare you for it, it might take 2 years for it to sink in your head. Like
- I said you are monitored, and when you placed your ad, it was out of your
- chain basically. We figured it's about time that you better be told exactly
- what's happening. And if you want to bring this information to magazines
- and publishing, that's fine. A lot of people will believe it and a lot of
- people won't believe it, that's entirely up to them. But in most cases if
- they want proof, we can show them proof right now. But we're not about to
- reveal ourselves at this particular point and blow everything, it's not
- worth it to us. We planned this for so long to throw it all away just to
- prove to one or a 100 people that we're here. Why bother with 100 people
- when you can save millions of lives.